Wheel Woolies are the safest and most effective way to clean automobile wheels available today. Most wheel brushes do an great job at cleaning the outside surfaces of the wheel but do not allow the detailer to get into the small crannies and crevices where the brake dust settles. Twisted wire spoke brushes will reach in but they could possibly scratch the wheel if used carelessly and they splatter you with wheel cleaning soaps and water.
Detail King’s Wheel Woolie brushes have many advantages over most wheel brushes on the market. There is no metal in these brushes. The super soft, dense carpet fibers hold suds to transfer them to the wheel. The brushes are made entirely of polypropylene and will stand up to any soap or cleaner that you use. Because the bristles are 100% polypropylene, they are recyclable and can be sent to recycle container when they have out lived their usefulness.
These are must-have brushes to keep new wheels looking new year round. Wheel Woolies work with any wheel size opening. They’re great for deep wheel drums, inner fenders, and car and pick-up truck grills also.
Keep your brushes clean with our Clean All cleaning solution!